Every Dollar helps!

Our events are people powered!

Every year we rely on the donations of cash and time by our generous community. If you have something to give, we greatly appreciate it! We are currently looking for committee members to help with: Human Resources & Hiring, Finance, Volunteer Recruitment, and Funders & Partners Relations. Please reach out to director@windscapekitefestival.ca. We would love to have you!

Here are More ways you can help:

Alex Cuba: a black man with an afro, plays a guitar and sings. Side profile.


By donating, you can directly impact the organization's financial health. You can do this online or by dropping off a cheque at City Hall. Tax receipts will be issued.
A black femme person sings and plays a guitar. Side profile.

Buy your Long Day’s Night and Winterruption concert tickets!

One of the best ways to support Blenders is to help us sell out the festivals! Early Bird Festival passes will be on sale in the coming months. Sign up to our email list at the bottom of this page to be notified!

SPread The Word!

Visit our social channels (listed below) and help spread the word about donating and our upcoming events.
An Chinese masc person sings and plays an accoustic guitar, faces left.

Tell us why our programs are important to you!

While you’re spreading our message, be an ambassador for cultural events and tell everyone about the first time or a memorable time you attended Windscape, Long Day’s Night, Winterruption, or a Blenders concert. Share the love!