We need your help

The Long Day’s Night Music Festival and SaskPower Windscape Kite Festival are happy to announce that we will be running again for 2024.

Following our Nov 27th Town Hall, the Blenders team is pleased to announce that we have received sufficient applications for board members  to proceed with the Long Day’s Night Music Festival and SaskPower Windscape Kite Festival in 2024. We wish to thank the over 100 interested people who joined us at our meeting in person and online. The  support demonstrated for these events was wonderful and very  encouraging.
This was the first step but we have a lot of work ahead. We are still in need of a large injection of cash through donations  and sponsorships. Please support the festivals personally through the  link below to donate. Businesses interested in ensuring the festival’s success and accessing unique marketing opportunities can reach out to director@windscapekitefestival.ca.
Lastly, we need five more qualified, invested people who are willing to help plan and implement the events. 2 more members are still needed in each of these committees: volunteer recruitment, sponsorship, marketing, operations management, and human resources management. If you have the skills and are able to help on a committee, please reach out to director@windscapekitefestival.ca.

Here are ways you can help:

Alex Cuba: a black man with an afro, plays a guitar and sings. Side profile.


By donating, you can directly impact the organization's financial health. You can do this online or by dropping off a cheque at City Hall. Tax receipts will be issued.
A black femme person sings and plays a guitar. Side profile.

Buy your Long Day’s Night concert tickets!

One of the best ways to support Blenders is to help us sell out the festival! Early Bird Festival passes will be on sale in the coming months. Sign up to our email list at the bottom of this page to be notified!

SPread The Word!

Visit our social channels (listed below) and help spread the word about donating and our upcoming events.
An Chinese masc person sings and plays an accoustic guitar, faces left.

Tell us why our programs are important to you!

While you’re spreading our message, be an ambassador for cultural events and tell everyone about the first time you attended Windscape, Long Day’s Night, or a Blenders Concert. Share the love!